This weekend we saw the TV broadcasting of the Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony. Following its announcement in December 2019, Prince William pledged that the Earthshot Prize will award £1 million to five organisations who provide impactful and sustainable solutions for Earth’s environmental problems between 2021 and 2030.
“The Earth is at a tipping point, and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem solve. People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.”
Prince William
By 2030, we choose to protect and restore nature, clean our air, revive our oceans, build a waste free world, fix our climate.
Here at Coffee Cup Solutions, we are making our stand for sustainability. We pledge to contribute to make a difference to our planet.
Jack Hussey, our Coffee Cup Green Ambassador (and IT Helpdesk Technician) has collated our actions so far, with investment in our sustainability initiative from the Coffee Cup Directors.
- We use LED lighting in the offices.
- We offer an electric car scheme to all employees.
- We are paperless.
- All recyclable waste gets recycled, which has reduced our waste by half since 2021.
- We have our milk delivered in re-usable glass bottles rather than plastic cartons, in one year, that’s 500 plastic containers that haven’t gone to landfill.
- All hardware waste is securely recycled by a company that adheres to the Environmental Management Systems International Standard.
- We embrace our employees working from home.
- We work with Ecologi and plant a small forest of trees when we take on a new client, and to offset our Carbon emissions.
Coffee Cup Solutions recently purchased the Head Office building and have since been able to install Solar Panels, thanks to Rainbow Energy. We can now have a greater impact on our Carbon footprint.

What is a Carbon Footprint, and What is Carbon Neutral?
A Carbon Footprint measures the total carbon emissions something causes. So, through the actions a person takes and the choices they make in their day-to-day lives. A businesses Carbon footprint is made up of all the Carbon released from every person within that business as well as premises and the way that it works. Being Carbon Neutral means that you offset your Carbon emissions with actions to physically reduce Carbon emissions elsewhere.
We crunched the numbers…
Each Employee emits 0.82ton C02 per year, this is taken from the heating, electricity, travel, food, and non-food consumption during their time in the office.
When considering the remaining global carbon budget, a rule of thumb is that a result of max 1-ton C02e per employee, per year is sustainable.
Coffee Cup Solutions emits a total of 19.68ton C02e per year, so as it stands, we are a sustainable “Carbon Neutral” company.
There’s always more to do, so this year we purchased 20 Carbon offsets through Ecologi and contributed to the protection of the rainforests in Brazil.
We are all in a position to make an impact and help overcome the planets greatest challenge.
Want to work with an IT company committed to saving the planet?
We’re passionate about sustainability here at Coffee Cup Solutions, talk to our friendly team by either calling 0118 38 42 175 or emailing [email protected] for any IT requirement.